1.develop composition inservice for monday morning
2.put cds in raffle baskets and design tickets to be printed
3.create signage for concert, henna tattoos and raffles
4.pick up food donations and
5.cook food for 60 hungry musicians and their signifs
6.finish book review for the birthproject
7.pick up nostril ring from pangea (more on that later)
8.find and fix bathroom leak
9.prune the tops of spirea and forsythia
10.put up fence
11.move impossibly large pile of stinking compost
12.do grad school homework (see #11)
13. get, wrap, and make card for step-dad-in-law birthday present
14. deliver to Tecumseh
15. eat gross food from bad restaurant
16.lose five pounds
17.become a nicer person
18. practice cello everyday
woops.... little carried away
ok, #7. - I actually got a message from the piercing place (the silver nose hoop that I made for myself is starting to turn me green, so I ordered one in surgical steel) saying "Come to Pangea and pick up your fucking nosering." click.
Seriously, I get the hard-core routine, but come on! Pardon my inconveniencing you by ordering something from your store; thanks a shitload for taking 4 weeks to get it in, and leaving-once it's finally arrived- an obscene message on my phone, with no store hours, price or contact info. To top it off, apparently they accidentally sold my nose ring to someone else, so now they want me to order it again.
I'd just like to say, to every disorganized, demanding, well-meaning or malicious, rude, needy, or just plain curious person who sees my busy-ness as a beacon or some kind of responsibility magnet; drawing them inexorably toward me with the intent to unload, delegate, or ask for a favor; as I pick up my "one more cup" of coffee, take a deep ragged breath, settle into my desk chair, and turn my back on the soft, warm, wonderful call of my too-long empty bed...
I'll get right on that.
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