As a pregnant person, I was so good about food and rest and water and exercise. I was pretty happy go-lucky even in the end of August huge and fat. I didn't binge on anything or treat my family poorly, but I did have a problem with wintergreen Altoids. I was like a smoker who knows where they're cheaper, and plans around getting them on the way to and from. I'd always have a box in reserve, hid the tins in the trunk, admitted the problem and just kept right on crunching (yes crunching) those curiously strong mints. My son seems fine, doesn't smell wierd or twitch, knows his letters etc... So I'd been feeling like I was home free on the birth defects from Altoids front.
I explained Halloween (kind of) to S last night. After telling him how he gets to wear a costume and be anyone he wants, I was expecting Buzz Light Year, or Ernie, or a toad. However, when asked what he wanted to dress up as this year, he said,
"An Altoid."
Clear as day. "Like in mama's purse."
There you have it.
Call the APA.
1 comment:
Hey, at least he didn't ask to be a pack of Camels!
I remember thinking a classmate in 3rd grade was incredibly creative in his pack of smokes Halloween costume.
Welcome to the blogging world! Love your blog. :)
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