Tuesday, February 19, 2008

cozy me up

Back to work after a great string of births (not that they aren't work too!) I am hurting. I can say absolutely and without hesitation that I categorically hate APA. I spent a few years as an undergraduate music therapy student beleaguered by a nasty, controlling prof and a paper a day in APA (plus rewrites). Now, weighty with my diploma, tenure, and sundry other meaningless evidences of my ability to comply successfully with systems I detest, I feel completely confident that I was right all along; just like your home's previous owner's faux-Victorian wallpaper, APA is a tool of the devil to make us doubt the risen Christ.

I keep trying to perk up, but it's FEBRUARY! This is seriously the most godforsaken month. My plates expire, everything is frozen, all the kids have cabin fever, and the giant puddles on the playground will ensure at least another week of indoor recess. I have a shit-ton of work to do and everyone else is in a bad mood too.

That said, I'd like to dedicate this post to my favorite phrase, a balm against all the worlds ills. Use it freely, it's powers are vast!

CO.ZY .ME. .UP. /ko-ze me uhp/ imperative
Phrase commonly uttered by frozen-footed grad students, occupying chronically underheated houses, upon clambering frantically into bed with their friendly, furry, toasty husbands after a crazy long day of unthinkable torture at the hands of maniacal primary students. "Hug me until I stop shaking and start smiling. Administer chocolate as necessary. I really like you"

One of the things I like the very best about helping at a home birth is the sense of satisfaction I get leaving a brand-new, exhausted, and somewhat shell-shocked family in a sorted house, laundry and dishes running; everybody stitched-up, cleaned-up, well-fed, and tucked-in to a fresh bed for a long rest. All cozied up


Anonymous said...
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a-mama said...

you need to come over to our house and play cards and eat steamed vegetables! I'll turn the heat up to like 68! whee ha!