Tuesday, December 18, 2007


below are some responses to the christmas haiku challenge.
if you feel the urge, don't hold back!
I got a fever! and the only perscription is more christmas haiku!

(waxing loquacious)

Amy (Amy Morgan)
in your youthful innocence
you forget the truth:

you must admit that
there is no such thing as a
boring, trite haiku!

Haikus bring pleasure
and in-trest to otherwise
uneventful days.

Merry Christmas to
all whom I lovingly call
my nerdiest friends

(we are brainiacs
on the nerd patrol and we
delight in that fact)

Thanks for your friendship
this Christmas season and past,
and future, and now.

My love and thanks to
you, Jesse, Stu for all that
you are, were, will be.

Thanks also for this
joy-filled opportunity
to think. Abbie Lee


run very fast for
fun friends are soon here, spirit
comes warm this new year


when the ball lights up
a new year is beginning
it's two thousand and eight!

(a spartan at heart)

snowflakes in her hair
glistening in the moonlight
newborn left to die

(christmas/ new year's a true holiday haiku)

christmas and newyear's
we drink champagne through the night
it's two thousand eight!

(at our new year's eve party)

It's new year's eve
time to start another year
a resolution?

it's starting to snow
pregnant woman on the couch
guys are playing games


reindeer of despair
floats, strapped to his jet pack of
haunted memories

(nothing like a christmas cold to exacerbate all that's hellish about the holidays)

my nose is snotty
i'm not prepared for christmas
i just want a beer

Dan and Bets:
(my DIY holiday buds are having rough go of it)

making christmas gifts
fun but stressful too, you see
will they really care?

kitchen-aid mixer
broke. not so many cookies
will be had this year

(apparently slightly dismayed by a percieved superabundance of seasonal plush toys)

These holiday bears
Needles and gingerbread smells
I drank too much beer


Betsy said...

it was all quite fun
seeing friends the best real treat
good holiday trip

a-mama said...