yesterday I thought I left my wallet at school.
Getting home I realized that J left me with no keys.
I had a list of things to do and a stir crazy 3 year old and a rising feeling of dread when I made that annoying to receive but even more annoying to make phone call, "Honey... do you by any chance have 2 sets of keys in your pocket?
My far away husband's solution was - the pleasure van. excuse me, The Pleasure Van.
Our gracious neighbors have given us a set of keys to this 600 sqarefoot, crushed velvet beauty. It sways when you make a turn, rumbles, rattles and just generally draws attention to itself and it's (ironic?) bumperstickers about hippie festivals and ecological consciousness and hybrid cars while belching putrid smoke from it's suspect exhaust system. I've had to make use of it before, but never with S and freezing temperatures and the change jar. excuse me, The Change Jar.
J's solution to the no wallet situation was take the change to the bank. Not a bad idea, right?
So that's how I find myself rolling into TCF with S in the back of the gypsy wagon and a giant jar of change.
Even funnier was when we left the bank with $113.58 and went to sushi. And the sushi was half off. And we went to JoAnn fabulous for 1 spool of silver thread to finish the advent calendar that I was making to avoid reformatting my reference page. And when we went to CVS for some choclates to fill aforementioned advent calendar and ended up walking into Murrays. "MAMA! This is not a chocolate store! It's a greasy car stuff store!" whoops.
Little buddy laughed all the way home about that one.
We did finish the calendar (see photo). and I did finish my paper and J brought the keys home just as I found my wallet in my backpack.
1 comment:
Sounds like a rip roaring time. You can always borrow one of our cars. Kid seats come preinstalled!
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