Desperate need to consume salty, greasy food
Inexplicable fatigue
Teeth grinding
Everyone else is suddenly insanely annoying
Inability to focus on one task long enough to finish it
Absolutely no ability to control what comes out of my mouth (speech-wise, you sicko!)
dear reader,
if you have any suggestions for addressing my torpor, please advise.
I'm sure I'll find your comments extremely helpful when I return to my right mind and can have a conversation without making myself and everyone else feel awful!
I can only commiserate, my dear.
Give it 5-7 days and the world will be less stupid, and salt won't sound so wonderful.
I know you're Julie's sister (I'm one of her friends, and she linked me to your blog), but I just thought I'd suggest trying acupuncture.
It sounds like Liver Qi Stagnation and maybe Spleen Qi Deficiency, but I can't be sure.
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