Thursday, January 31, 2008

one down

Monday, we finally had a client give birth at home - the first one since the start of my apprenticeship this summer. It was beautiful and the 5-6 hour pushing stage was only moderately scary and, except for shaking so hard that I dropped the bulb syringe 3 times right after the head was born, I managed to not radically screw anything up.

The mama was amazing. Like I said, pushing was crazy long and she never once lost faith in her ability to do what needed to be done. She was even really mellow about being stiched up - something that really pisses alot of people off, and rightly so!

My favorite moment was during the posrpartum bath -

Imagine everyone crowded into the tiny bathroom, standing around the tub as Mama cradles her teensy boy in the fragrant water.

She asks, "Was I ever really out of it?"

Papa: "Well, once when you were pushing, A told you to make your self into the letter C. You pushed through the next contraction then asked foggily, 'What letter am I again?'"

Mama smiles, totally exhausted and blissed out, looking down at her boy;

she sighs, "Brought to you by the letter C."


Mid-life Midwife said...

can we print this in the next TBP?

a-mama said...
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