Monday, November 5, 2007


My usual birthday reflection (what have I done this year to make the world a better place?) has made me really happy today. I don't know that I've necessarily done a god damned thing to improve life around me, but I do know for sure that I could never have done nor will I do anything good enough to deserve the kind of happiness I feel looking at my life.
I have a wonderful marriage to a beautiful man (who'd have believed that the crazy stressed out cynical overachiever could manage to not screw that up?) I have a healthy son who is absolutely delightful. I have healthy relationships with interesting, engaged, creative and passionate people (some of whom I happen to be related to). I live in a house I like in a town I like, I have a job I don't hate and the prospect of one that I love. I have an apprenticeship with a sane and lovely midwife who just happens to live down the street. I have a world class cello teacher who teaches me for free and a place to make art in my basement. I get to play music everyday and read books and drink beer and blog and now - thanks to J and my Mom and my sisters - I can also take people's blood pressure and listen to lungs and heartbeats with out embarassment because I have a beautiful! german stehoscope and a blood pressue cuff with a valve that doesn't stick!
See? I told you I could never have earned this kind of good fortune -
I guess I am going to take this to mean that I'm off the hook and I should just spend my energy appreciating it all!


Betsy said...


Kate said...

hippo birdie two ewes!

Mid-life Midwife said...

WTF retic mama?!

yaay for birthdays and 7 syllable words!

Mid-life Midwife said...

opps, i mean 6 syllables.