Some friends who were going to community-plot it this summer, decided to bring their poo to my yard instead. And so it is that I have the miraculous help my mum assured me I would get if only I asked for it.
Mary Lu loaned me her gigantic truck for a compost run and my garden is looking as fertile as my many motherly friends. (I have - SO BAD - the baby itch)
Inspired by the lush greenery, I want to edge the beds. I've always liked the look of cobbles for edging, and the Thompson block has two brimming dumpsters begging for a midnight raid. The bricks are calling my name but, fortunately for J, I have developed -in my old age- another voice. It's singing a counter melody to the tune of "If you start this project will you kill yourself finishing it?" Unfortunately, it's the voice of Nick Drake and "Do it! Do it!" is Mahalia Jackson.